
The Association “Russian Radiosurgery and Stereotactic Radiоtherapy Society” (hereinafter referred to as “the Association” was established in 2010 and currently carries out activities aimed to  implement foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation and development of its national and cultural traditions in healthcare related to the research and usage for medicinal purposes of advanced treatment methods (radiosurgery, stereotactic radiotherapy) in the Russian Federation.

The Association and its members are actively working throughout the territory of the Russian Federation from Kaliningrad to Krasnoyarsk continuously expanding its geography of operations.

Historically, at all stages of development and establishment of the national medicine the best Russian healthcare professionals have been independently developing, as well as actively adopting into medical practice the most advanced and modern methods of diagnostics and treatment of patients used throughout the world while introducing own practical and scientific developments into them. Being non-invasive and exceptionally effective method, radiosurgery is one of the most promising trends in modern healthcare.

The Association is actively engaged in promoting radiotherapy and stereotactic beam therapy methods by holding medical conferences and training seminars, professional training and career development of doctors and paramedics, as well as specialists in such an important much-needed profession as the medical physicist.

Together with the state agencies we have been developing and adopting guidelines for the design and construction of facilities used in healthcare and nuclear medicine.

We have been hosting International training conferences in this area: for example, a clinical radiology workshop in St. Petersburg has already been held for 4 years with participation of world renowned doctors. In 2014 one of the Society members was awarded the right to hold the European conference EGKS, which brought together European medical professionals as well as practically all Russian medical providers working in this direction.

The Association is also striving to raise patients’ awareness and bring attention of the medical community to treatment capabilities of radiosurgery and stereotactic radiotherapy;

  • Encourage development of indigenously produced radiotherapy (radiosurgery) devices and related medical equipment;
  • Development of the International cooperation in the area of radiosurgery and stereotactic radiotherapy usage.